miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Vocabulary Builder

Prefixes with Over/Under

We can add over or over to some words to change their meaning. We put OVER when we want to express the meaning of too much and UNDER when we want to express the meaning of too few or almost nothing.

Look at the following sentences and fill in the blank with a word from the list below. There are verbs, adjectives and nouns to choose from. Put in the prefix over or under to express the correct meaning. Don't forget to put the verb in the right tense. You may have to use some of the words twice, once with under and once with over.

  • done
  • achiever
  • dose
  • populated
  • eat
  • rate
  • drawn
  • estimate
  • worked
  • pay


1. Martin always when he goes on holiday. He comes back weighing at least ten kilos more than when he went.

2. He took an and as a result was rushed into hospital to have his stomach pumped.

3. I think that film was actually. It had excellent reviews but I thought it was really poor myself.

4. They the cost of having the roof rebuilt and had to borrow some extra money from the bank.

5. We how many people would come to the party and had so much food left over we were eating leftovers for a week.

6. There is no way that he is . He goes to the office at eleven in the morning and returns home at two in the afternoon.

7. Some of the villages in Wales are becoming as the younger people all move into the towns to get work.

8. The trouble with Tim is that he is an . He is really very bright but never works hard enough to reach his potential.

9. When John tried to get some money out of the bank with his card it was refused. Apparently he was to the tune of £350.

10. I can't eat this steak. Look at it. It is burnt and .

11. I think I was this month. There is about £140 less in my account than there should be.

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